picture of large Greek columns representing Ross Sampson Consulting's stability, longevity

Ross Sampson Consulting offers contract computer services to businesses that need solutions but may not have the resources to devote to them.  If your business has experienced a work force reduction, but still needs to meet project completion deadlines, you know how valuable on-call experienced help can be.

We can provide the temporary or ongoing professional support you need with our talented team of system architects, database experts, Web designers/developers, and software designers/developers.  Please refer to our Services page for more details, or feel free to inquire about help with your task or project.  If you want a less serious description of any of our services, check the News page for links.

Our expertise includes successful and innovative methods for analysis, design and implementation in:
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Just ask!  It's easy to send us email with a question or information request.
The Inquiries page is another data source, with detailed information about each of our Services available as printable PDF files.

Contact Information
Ross Sampson Consulting
Electronic mail  
General Information: info@rosssampson.com
Webmaster: webmaster@rosssampson.com

Ross Sampson Consulting logo Mailing Address:  
8583 Angela Lane
Parker, CO    USA